Mar 31, 2009



刚开始时,因为还是伸手将军,所以只去pasar malam买翻版书。一本十二块,有时买三本免费一本。开始时只买刘墉或者欧阳林的书。尤其是欧阳林的书,可以讲是欧阳林的书迷。每本欧阳林的书是肯定会买回家收藏。


读书的速度也越来越快。一本书可以在一个星期读完,有时更快,两三天就可以读完一本书。有些书还会不舍得读完, 会一个字一个字慢慢读。 如果你也是惜书之人,你就知道这个感觉。


这几年开始买一些本地的作家的作品。如林悦。知道林悦这个人是通过星洲日报的副刊。有一段时间星洲日报刊登了林悦的“彳亍地平线 I” 和“彳亍地平线II”。在前年的书展买了这两本书回家。在去年的书展,也把她的“榴莲国度”带回家了。


Mar 26, 2009

What is Feed URL and how to add into browser?

My nephew is asking me about feed URL. He is newbie to the blog. I think I can post a topic and let him learn about it.

A feed is a function of special software that allows feedreaders to access a site, automatically looking for new content and then posting the information about new content and updates to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites.

There are several different kinds of feeds, read by different feedreaders. Some feeds include RSS (alternately defined as "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"), Atom or RDF files.

If you create a blog at and the RSS feed URL is automatically generated for you. This is the easiest way to go. So every time you post to your blog, the feed is updated instantly.

And the feed URL for is very direct. You just need to add "feeds/posts/default" follow by your blog URL. Example:

In order to add RSS feed into your Mozilla Firefox, please follow the steps below.
  1. Open the feed URL in the browser
  2. Click on "Subscribe Now" button, a box will be pop-up
  3. Click on "Add" button, and RSS Feed is in your browser now.
  4. You can read your favorite blog instantly by install Mozilla Firefox Add-on named "RSS Ticker"
  5. How to install "RSS Ticker"? First click on Tools->Add-ons, Add-ons box will be pop-up.
  6. Click on "Browse Add Add-ons" link, a new tab will be appear in the browser.
  7. Try to find "RSS Ticker" in the page and click "Add to Firefox" button.
  8. A installation box will be pop-up, just click on "Install now" button.
  9. Firefox will install it into your browser. Once it complete and it will require restart your browser.
  10. After restart the browser, click on Tools->Add-ons. Add-ons box will be pop-up again.
  11. Click on Extension tab and find RSS Ticker, then click on "Options" button.
  12. RSS Ticker-Options box will be pop-up. Please un-check "Disable Ticker" and click "OK".
  13. You will see an extra bar at the bottom. Try to point your mouse over one of the topic. It will show a summary of the article.

I hope this article will help you guy understand more about RSS or Feed URL.

Mar 25, 2009

Mar 23, 2009

How to setup a hot air balloon?

Venue: Precinct 2, adjacent to the Monument Alaf Baru
Start Time: Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 7:00am
End Time: Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 8:30pm

How to setup a hot air balloon?

Please switch off your light

Please switch off your light March 28, 2009 at 8:30pm MY (Saturday)

Mar 22, 2009


(沙阿南)今日发生一宗意外事件。一辆丰田(Toyota)在家门前被折断了右手的镜子(side mirror)。





在这里奉劝各位不要乱乱按 button。现在的科技给了人类很大的方便。但是,如果使用在错误的地方,就带来了很大的杀伤力。

Mar 20, 2009


舅母:老板会很喜欢。。。。。 (因为他是鬼佬)


p/s:舅母今天穿NIKE VNECK JERSEY。。。。

Mar 18, 2009

Happy 豪 in Kuantan
