Oct 31, 2008






第二个blog就是"活在当下"。这个blog是在述说着他们在Melbounce的生活及旅游的故事。还有很多很多的recipe。我如果下次要下厨的话,不怕没有recipe了。看着一张一张Melbounce的照片,让我想起了,我去Melbounce 的情形。好怀念哦!


第三个blog我要讲的是"美玲blog". 她有两个blog, 一个是meelingart,另外一个是meeling。我是从meelingart开始看起。里面的140个文章给我看完了。(世网的战友们,不要以为我没有做工!我是在等process时,或者等答案时看的。嘻嘻!)

看了过后,让我觉得很心酸,很心痛,也很感动。整个blog都是在写她怎样慢慢的疗伤。她的母亲在四年前去世, 她从不能接受母亲的离去,到慢慢的面对事实。也算是一条不好走的路。

大陆西北 -》香港 -》新加坡 -》新山。柔佛 -》东马

大陆西北 -》 吉隆坡 -》东马

大陆西北 -》香港 -》吉隆坡 -》东马

我也曾经怀疑当时亚航(Air Asia) 还没有飞香港。(2004年亚航飞去香港了吗?)但是她可以选择马航(MAS) 直飞香港或者大陆。这个就没有答案了。可能她要省钱,可能上帝主宰着这个路线给她,然后预备了很多很多的天使帮她回到东马。因为走她的路线需要

还有忘了讲,她的文章是有登在报纸的。不管是星洲,光华,东马的报纸,都有她的踪影。看到她的文章,给我一个很熟悉的感觉,因为她的母亲是福州人,我也是福州人。文章中提到的福州饼“光饼”,真的很好吃!!! 看来我是时候回爱大华了。。。

Oct 29, 2008


Do you know what is "Pedometer"? I just bought it last weekend. Why I bought it because I want to know how many step I step out for each day. So now you know what is it? :)

According to Wikipedia, it was explained as "A pedometer (also known as a Tomish-meter, perhaps after the alleged inventor of a successful device, Thomas Jefferson ) or step counter is a device, in modern times usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of their hips."

Why suddenly I want to know how many steps I step out? This is because recently I read a blog that mentioned about it. I just curious what is my daily number. And I went to 10000 steps website to know more. If you have time, please visit it to gain your knowledge.

From the article, I knew that each person is good can reach 10000 steps per day. And they have the guideline. Please look at the table below.

Steps per dayActivity Level
5,000 - 7,499low active
7,500 - 9,999somewhat active
>=12,000highly active

Why we need to be active? According to The World Health Organization in the World Health Report 2002, estimated that the overall physical inactivity to cause 1.9 million deaths, 10-16% of cases each of breast cancer, colon and rectal cancers and diabetes mellitus , 22% of ischaemic heart disease and 19 million DALY globally. The global estimate for the prevalence of physical inactivity among adult is 17% and in Malaysia about 70% of adult never exercised.

There are a lot of benefit to be active. I just copy and paste it from 10000 step website.

  • boosts energy levels and improves mood
  • reduces risk of chronic diseases
  • reduces stress and tension
  • improves balance and flexibility
  • improves sleep
  • assists in weight management
  • increases muscle and bone mass
  • increases circulation
  • increases the ability of people with certain chronic, disabling conditions to perform activities of daily living

Since they got a lot of benefits, hope start from today all of us set a goal to reach 10000 step per day and live healthy.

Oh! Forgot to write down. My records are as below.
5,704 stepped out, just at low active level. See, if you never count, you never know. The count was low because I did not went to temple ate vegetable. Hahaha!!!

7,365 stepped out, still at low active level. But increase almost 2k steps, because..... haahaa... walk to temple for vegetable lah....

6,447 stepped out. lesser than yesterday. Because we walk to ate "fei lou" for lunch with Lai. Lai coming over lunch with us.

8,864 stepped out. The higher mark on this week.

Just show a week step's count. :)

Oct 25, 2008


星期六得空没事做,上了这个网站玩一玩这个分析游戏。也不觉得完全对,哈哈!! 你只需要打入你的名字,就可以看到分析。

网站是: http://component.agilerails.net/generators/0344fded45/results/new

Oct 23, 2008


今天是一个很有纪念性的日子。 豪豪会走路了。。。 我终于等到了这一天。你知道他现在几个月了吗? 他已经十八个月又十二天。。。。人家的小孩十二个月就会走了。我家的小孩足足迟了六个月。

上个星期还和我的老友-晓芳讲,我家小孩还不会走路。她还教我一个福州人的古老方法。她说,小孩还不会走路,因为他被线绑着,需要砍断他的线。她叫我拿他喜欢的东西,叫小孩自己走来,然后外子就要在他的后面,拿一把刀假装砍三下他的脚后面。 意思就是砍断他的线。


Oct 22, 2008

August Rush

Today I am MC at home, due to food poisoning and diarrhea over the night. After visited the "handsome" doctor, (normally I will called them handsome doctor, because they cure my sickness and let me back to work. haahaa...) I was stay alone at home. Because all the family members went out to work.

Since I got a long day to go, I decided to spend my time with my collected movie. I have a habit to collect movie even though I am not going to watch them immediately. Normally I will watch it over the holiday or weekend.

I just finish a movie called "August Rush". I like this type of movie very much. May be because I was a school military band's member before. It is a very touching movie.

The story is something like a girl called Lyla. She is a cellist and love at first sight with a rock musician Louis. They spend the night in each other's arms. But Lyla's father forces them apart, even though she later learns she's pregnant. Lyla's father want Lyla have a successful career without the obstacle of a child. He tell Lyla the child had died, but the fact was the child was successfully delivered and sent to orphanage by her father.

And the story begin with an 11 years old kid called Evan, who is Lyla's son. He is talented in music. He always feel that he can find his parent through the music. The story continues with how he make his way to New York city and how is him taken by a man who houses various orphans and runaways, employing them to play music on the streets and taking a large cut of their tips. And "August Rush" is the name which given by the man to Evan.

One day, he run away from the man because of the police's raid. And he meet a girl in church and impress people with his natural musical talent. The pastor enrolled him into Juilliard School. Though the school, he have a chance to perform a concert in the centre park. At the same time, Lyla decides to resume her cello career and have a same performance with Evan. And how about Louis? He also go back play his rock music at New York city, and he rush to centre park when he saw Lyla's name on a sign billing the concert.

In the movie you can see how an 11 years old boy as a conductor and lead the band to perform the music. The ending of the story is ..... go to buy the DVD and watch yourself, hahahhahah....

Oct 20, 2008

How much you can withdraw from EPF for investment?

A lot of my friends are asking me about how much they can withdrawn from EPF for Unit Trust investment. Hmmm.... Let me give you the calculation before Feb 2008 and after Feb 2008.

Let me think back, previously account 1 need to have RM55,000 only eligible to withdrawn. Why RM55,000? This is because the rule is needed to keep RM50,000 in the account, after deduct RM50,000 then the balance is RM5,000. And the 20% of the balance only can withdraw out. So the calculation is like this

RM55,000 - RM50,000 = RM5,000
RM5,000 * 20% = RM1,000

Unit trust minimum investment amount is RM1000. This is the reason over RM55,000 then only can invest. And because of the rule, it makes a lot of youngster not able to involve in the investment. And they just receive 5% (average) or lower than that interest from EPF every year. So what is the current calculation?

The current calculation is base on the age. Please look at the table below.

Age(Year)Basic Saving
Age(Year)Basic Saving

So now, let said you are in 26 years old and you have RM30,000 in account 1. Here are the calculations.

RM30,000 - RM11,000(from the table above) = RM19,000
RM19,000 * 20% = RM3,800

You can withdraw RM3,800 to invest in unit trust. So you can see a very big change in EPF structure. Now even though you are 18 years old also can withdraw out the money and do investment as long as your account have more than RM1,000.

Oct 17, 2008

Otis Week

这个星期是otis week,otis week 的意思是放下全部的工作,只是解决顾客的问题。Otis 是一个软件,是给我们的顾客报告问题或者是提出产品的疑问。通常otis 会先到1st level support那儿(我们的顾客服务组),他们会鉴定一下问题的所在。如果问题真的出现了,他们就会把这个otis传去给程序员。让程序员找出解决方案。

通常一个otis 开了,就像开了一个报告书。顾客,顾客服务员及程序员会在otis 里面报告问题,提出疑问,提出解决方案。每一次都会有电子邮件寄去给相关人员。这个是一个很好的顾客服务软件。

为什么会有otis week呢?原因就是我们的otis堆积如山。我们一定要解决他,免得让顾客觉得我们没有工作效率。我们公司的形象在顾客的眼中完全受损。哈哈!!这是个很理所当然的理由。世网的战友应该知道什么原因。

这次是第一次有otis week,管理层要我们写感言。我相信我的感言是最长,也是最感人。哈哈哈。。。混蛋Johnny叫我 copy and paste 在这里,因为他昨天也是做了一件很大胆的事。不相信?去他的blog-心情日记,你就知道了。

这是一封给管理层的一封信,我不便放在这里。问题的存在是很多年前的事,他们可以理直气壮的讲,是之前的Project Manager没有做事。如果他真的是这样讲,简直是不负责任。。。。

Oct 15, 2008




花姨:hmmmm....... no.. no.. (豪豪做错事。。。)


豪豪:Nite! Nite! Nite!!!。。。。。。。
Nite! Nite! Nite




豪豪: 'ne-ne'。。。。


Oct 14, 2008

Dell arrived......

我的手型电脑上个星期二已经到了。但是,上个星期我忙着写 Bukit Tinggi 的blog,没有时间blog我的手型电脑。 现在终于得空了, 让我blog blog 它。老实说,我还没有正真的试用它。原因就是,你知道啦,新电脑需要安装很多软件。我天天都需要用的软件。外子还在帮我一件一件的安装进去。叹。。。 我看还需要一些时间才可正式试用它。

但是,据外子所给的comment 是,只单单开视窗都需要1G的RAM。而我买的时候是3G的RAM。叹。。。。 白白1G的RAM没得用。。。。但是,我的花同事给我的意见是,想办法降级视窗。降去视窗XP。你说呢?


Dell Inspiron 1520

总共有四个USB port。右边两个,后面两个。

Multimedia Controls.

颜色ok 吗? 和在Dell 网络看到的,是不是有差别?这就是 Espresso Brown color.

Oct 13, 2008

continue... Bukit Tinggi 5 - Painting Session

Last weekend, I got the chance to capture photo for the clay. Actually not me :), taken by the cousin. Here are the photos.

See this was the result after grandma repainted it. Not bad lah...

This was from the nephew. And my nephew claimed that this was not Garfield. He said it was "Pikachu". But why the "Pikachu" is pink color.

My hubby got painted the clay as well but he was not painted at Bukit Tinggi. He bought the clay and painted over the weekend after we back from Bukit Tinggi. So how is his clay look like? Look at the photo below.


Back.... Nice????

After show out their clay, how about mine? heheheh.... here lah....


Back... Nice??

Oct 10, 2008

人性的弱点 I





Oct 9, 2008

Bukit Tinggi 6 - Happy 豪!!!

Just want to share 豪豪 photos.

Oct 8, 2008

Bukit Tinggi 5 - Painting session

The kids were keen to paint the clay since yesterday night. Once we came back from organic farm, they were running toward the clay shop immediately. So each person chose his or her favorite clay and start painting.

My nephew chose smiling Garfield, my niece chose happy bear and I chose the lovely house.

Here are the starting.

When halfway painting, still can show smiling face.

After some time, niece stops to paint and just look around. See on the photo above.

And now see what happen to her clay... then you know the reason why she stops.

After 5 minutes, the face become like this...

At last, the grandma re-paint her clay become PANDA. The grandma only knows Panda’s color. Will let you guy see the final clay if I still got chance to capture the photo. The niece already took the clay. Hahahahah.....

Bukit Tinggi 4 - Dinner & Lunch

After some walk and played around beside swimming pool. The dinnertime was come quietly. So what we having there? We walked in the "main road" again to search for our preference food. At first our choice was the chicken set at "Le Poulet Roti". The problem was the restaurant was full house and if we ordered the chicken set then need to wait until 9pm, that time was only early of eight. So we just forgeted it and looked around again, and this time we make sure the restaurant was not full of people and our dinner can be serve immediately.

Finally we go to "Le Blason" restaurant, which you co
uld went for buffet dinner OR Ala Carte. The restaurant was offered us buffet dinner by paying 4 persons for 5 adults and 3 kids. Since it was a bit late, we decided to go for Ala Carte.

We were having some local food and each plate was just cost RM18 compare to RM44 per person for buffet. It was much more cheaper. Hahaaha...

This was what I ordered, "Hainanese Chicken Rice"

This was what my hubby ordered, "Mee Mamak".

Ordered by brother in law, "Fried Rice".

Order by my nephew, "Nasi Lemak".

And this was our drink. Sky juice!

I wanted to capture more photos when the food came one by one. However, we were disturbing by El Bibo group (Philippine singing group). hahahah....... Not disturbing, was entertaining by them. They sung few songs for us, and continued went to table-by-table or restaurant-by-restaurant to entertain all the guests while they were having their dinner.

Now come to the next day lunch. We went to "Le Poulet Roti" and had our lunch there; finally we managed to enjoy the chicken set. It was enough for 4 adults (according to the menu). So we had 3 adults and 3 kids, should be enough to feed all the stomachs. Someone may feel curious, why suddenly the head court is lesser. Hahahaa... sister in law and the hubby went back on that day itself and leave the kids to the grandma and Jiu Jiu. They need to work on the next day. Too bad...

The main course was the chicken and rice, tuna spaghetti, salad and whipped potato were the side dish plus each person per drink (either blackberry juice or mango juice).

"Roasted Chicken"

"Whipped Potato"


"Tuna Speghetti"

It was similar as yesterday night; we were entertaining by El Bibo again. They were sung a song special delegated to grandma. This was to respect the eldest.

Oct 7, 2008

Bukit Tinggi 3 - Organic Farm

We were visited organic farm on the next day. And it is only open on weekend and public holiday. They provide shuttle service (my niece said was lorry) to bring us to the organic farm at 8:45am. So we need to wake up early to have our breakfast.

The two kids were slept with grandma yesterday night. So the early morning rang to our room to wake up us. So we took bath and get ready for HaoHao. Then we had our breakfast at Boulangerie (A French Bakery shop).

At 9am, the shuttle was ready to take off to bring us to the farm. Once we reach there, the farmer was waiting there and brings us to go around. The whole farm is covering by the plastic. I think this is to prevent the vegetables destroy by the insects. And they did not use any pesticides to kill the insects.

We went by a group of people, and some of them are auntie and uncles. They were asking the farmer to buy some vegetable from him. But the farmer responded that the vegetables are not man for selling. In fact it was not enough to supply to customer. And the vegetable is for the boss. So who is the boss? heheheh.... Do you know who is the owner of the Bukit Tinggi? Berjaya Group's boss?

Although the vegetable cannot be sell to us, but the farmer is very kind to offer us to eat the vegetable as much as you can. Especially tomato. The two kids and HaoHao were very happy to eat that. Not only the kids, the grandma was happy to stick the tomato into the brown bag. And the kids were enjoying the tomato until we were in Japanese Village.

Here are the photos sharing session.



See this vege before?

"Xiao Bai Chai"
